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David Hasselhoff

19 Treffer in der Kategorie "KOMPONIST"
1 David Hasselhoff Santa Monica Nights 1997
2 David Hasselhoff with Gwen If I Had One Wish 1997
3 David Hasselhoff Summer Of Love 1994
4 David Hasselhoff Live Until I Die 1994
5 David Hasselhoff with Gwen Please Come Home For Christmas 2004
6 David Hasselhoff Dance Dance d'Amour 1993
7 David Hasselhoff Pingu-Dance 1993
8 David Hasselhoff Hot Shot City 1993
9 David Hasselhoff et Nadège Au ciel, une étoile 1994
10 David Hasselhoff & Regine Velasquez More Than Words Can Say 1997
11 David Hasselhoff I'm Your Lover 1997
12 David Hasselhoff with Gwen A Star Looks Down Tonight 1993
13 David Hasselhoff Lifeline 1994
14 David Hasselhoff Rockin' The Night Away 1993
15 David Hasselhoff Por tí 1987
16 Jeremy Jackson You Can Run 1994
17 David Hasselhoff Summer In The City 1992
18 Andreas Elsholz & Jeremy Jackson You Can Run 1995
19 David Hasselhoff Give Me Something Real 1993
1 Treffer in der Kategorie "PRODUZENT"
1 David Hasselhoff True Love Always 1987

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