Offizielle Deutsche Charts Logo


André Jacquemin

40 Treffer in der Kategorie "PRODUZENT"
1 Monty Python I Like Chinese 13.04.1992 Peak: 67
2 Monty Python Medical Love Song 1980
3 Monty Python Rudyard Kipling 2014
4 Monty Python Idiot Song 1974
5 Monty Python Every Sperm Is Sacred 1983
6 Monty Python Rainy Day In Berlin 2014
7 Monty Python Camelot Song 1975
8 Leyton Buzzards Can't Get Used To Losing You 1979
9 Girlschool Action 1988
10 Monty Python Decomposing Composers 1989
11 The Buzzards Mixed Marriages 1979
12 Girlschool Tear It Up 1988
13 Monty Python Galaxy Song 1983
14 Girlschool Up All Night 1988
15 Sonia Jones Brian's Song 1979
16 Girlschool Don't Walk Away 1988
17 Nilsson, Eric Idle & Charlie Dore Harry 1979
18 Monty Python Lumberjack Song 1970
19 Monty Python The Meaning Of Life 1989
20 Leyton Buzzards 19 And Mad 1978
21 Monty Python Finland 1989
22 Monty Python The Naval Medley 2014
23 Girlschool Head Over Heels 1988
24 Monty Python I'm So Worried 1980
25 Monty Python Nudge Rap / Blackmail 2014
26 Monty Python Constitutional Peasants 1975
27 Monty Python Lousy Song 2014
28 Monty Python Brave Sir Robin 1975
29 Monty Python Eric The Half A Bee 1976
30 Leyton Buzzards Weird Frenz 1980
31 Girlschool Girls On Top 1988
32 Monty Python Christmas In Heaven 1983
33 Girlschool Love At First Bite 1988
34 Monty Python I Bet You They Won't Play This Song On The Radio 1991
35 Girlschool This Time 1988
36 Girlschool Too Hot To Handle 1988
37 Nilsson Bright Side Of Life 1979
38 Monty Python Oliver Cromwell 1989
39 Monty Python The Silly Walk Song 2014
40 Girlschool Fox On The Run 1988
2 Treffer in der Kategorie "KOMPONIST"
1 Monty Python Every Sperm Is Sacred 1983
2 Sonia Jones Brian's Song 1979

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