Offizielle Deutsche Charts Logo


Jan Cordemans

18 Treffer in der Kategorie "KOMPONIST"
1 Purple Prose I Didn't Know 1999
2 Purple Prose Es wird schon wieder gehen 1999
3 The Taxi's Fed Up 1983
4 Purple Prose Dios te lo devolverá (Until Forgiveness Comes) 1999
5 Vaya Con Dios Kissing Slow 2023
6 Purple Prose Little Death 1999
7 Purple Prose The Voices Warned Me 1999
8 Purple Prose Une voix nous manque 1999
9 Purple Prose Southern Moon 1999
10 Purple Prose Grand tralala 1999
11 Purple Prose Who Wants To Be Lonely? 1999
12 The Taxi's Stay Back 1983
13 The Taxi's Livin' Today 1983
14 Vaya Con Dios The Thought Of Him 2023
15 Purple Prose Dirty Gold 1999
16 Purple Prose The Heart Hunts Alone 1999
17 Purple Prose L'amour lointaine 1999
18 Purple Prose Estoy embriagada 1999
14 Treffer in der Kategorie "PRODUZENT"
1 The Taxi's When You Say Yeah-Yeah 1984
2 Purple Prose Dirty Gold 1999
3 Purple Prose The Heart Hunts Alone 1999
4 Purple Prose L'amour lointaine 1999
5 Purple Prose Estoy embriagada 1999
6 Purple Prose I Didn't Know 1999
7 Purple Prose Es wird schon wieder gehen 1999
8 Purple Prose Dios te lo devolverá (Until Forgiveness Comes) 1999
9 Purple Prose Little Death 1999
10 Purple Prose The Voices Warned Me 1999
11 Purple Prose Une voix nous manque 1999
12 Purple Prose Southern Moon 1999
13 Purple Prose Grand tralala 1999
14 Purple Prose Who Wants To Be Lonely? 1999

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