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Mike Deasy

19 Treffer in der Kategorie "PRODUZENT"
1 Barry McGuire Plowman 1979
2 Barry McGuire Sunshine 1980
3 Barry McGuire Baby Huey 1979
4 Barry McGuire Jesus Is Comin' Back To Stay (Live) 1979
5 The Ceyleib People Ceyladd Beyta 1968
6 Barry McGuire Bullfrogs And Butterflies 1979
7 Barry McGuire Critters 1980
8 Barry McGuire Birdsong 1980
9 Barry McGuire The Tablets Of Our Hearts 1979
10 Barry McGuire In God's Image 1980
11 Barry McGuire Knowers And Believers 1979
12 Barry McGuire The Polka Dot Bear 1980
13 Barry McGuire Thanksgiving Song 1980
14 Barry McGuire In The Beginning 1980
15 Barry McGuire Within My Heart 1980
16 The Ceyleib People Changes (Tygstl) 1968
17 Barry McGuire Starsong 1980
18 Barry McGuire Moment Of Truth 1979
19 Barry McGuire God Called It Good 1980
29 Treffer in der Kategorie "KOMPONIST"
1 Barry McGuire Good News Shoes 1978
2 Barry McGuire The Tablets Of Our Hearts 1979
3 Barry McGuire Critters 1980
4 Barry McGuire You An' Me 1978
5 Barry McGuire Birdsong 1980
6 Barry McGuire Face To Face 1978
7 Barry McGuire In God's Image 1980
8 Barry McGuire The Polka Dot Bear 1980
9 Barry McGuire David And Goliath 1973
10 Barry McGuire Thanksgiving Song 1980
11 Barry McGuire In The Beginning 1980
12 Barry McGuire Chubby, Chubby 1977
13 Barry McGuire What Can I Give To The King 1989
14 Barry McGuire Within My Heart 1980
15 Barry McGuire What Good Would It Do 1978
16 The Association Wantin' Ain't Gettin' 1967
17 Barry McGuire Starsong 1980
18 Barry McGuire Walkin' 1978
19 Barry McGuire Plowman 1979
20 Barry McGuire God Called It Good 1980
21 Barry McGuire Mystery Of Life 1978
22 Barry McGuire My King 1978
23 Barry McGuire White Swan 1978
24 Barry McGuire Cosmic Cowboy 1978
25 Barry McGuire Ol' Branch 1977
26 Barry McGuire Ashes To Ashes 1981
27 Barry McGuire Don't Thank Me 1977
28 Barry McGuire The Presence 1978
29 Barry McGuire Flying Merry-Go-Round 1978

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