Offizielle Deutsche Charts Logo


Nicole Barclay


27 Treffer in der Kategorie "KOMPONIST"
1 Fanny [1970s] Conversation With A Cop 1970
2 Fanny [1970s] Solid Gold 1973
3 Fanny [1970s] Bitter Wine 1970
4 Fanny [1970s] Beside Myself 1973
5 Fanny [1970s] Shade Me 1970
6 Fanny [1970s] I Need You Need Me 1973
7 Fanny [1970s] From Where I Stand 1974
8 Fanny [1970s] I'm Satisfied 1973
9 Fanny [1970s] Cat Fever 1971
10 Fanny [1970s] What's Wrong With Me 1971
11 Fanny [1970s] A Little While Later 1971
12 Fanny [1970s] Place In The Country 1971
13 Fanny [1970s] Blind Alley 1972
14 Fanny [1970s] I Just Realized 1970
15 Fanny [1970s] Rock Bottom Blues 1972
16 Fanny [1970s] Changing Horses 1970
17 Fanny [1970s] Is It Really You 1973
18 Fanny [1970s] Take A Message To The Captain 1970
19 Fanny [1970s] Regular Guy 1973
20 Fanny [1970s] Rock 'N' Roll Survivors 1974
21 Fanny [1970s] Feelings 1973
22 Fanny [1970s] What Kind Of Lover 1971
23 Fanny [1970s] A Person Like You 1971
24 Fanny [1970s] Soul Child 1971
25 Fanny [1970s] Knock On My Door 1972
26 Fanny [1970s] The First Time 1972
27 Fanny [1970s] Borrowed Time 1972

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