Offizielle Deutsche Charts Logo


Stu Gardner

63 Treffer in der Kategorie "PRODUZENT"
1 Bill Cosby Special Lady Sweetness 1974
2 Bill Cosby Roland And The Rollercoaster 1978
3 Bill Cosby What To Do With Life 1976
4 Bill Cosby Section #9 1977
5 Bill Cosby People Who Drink 1978
6 Bill Cosby Henry Kissinger 1977
7 Bill Cosby A Simple Love Affair 1977
8 Bill Cosby Chinese Mustard 1978
9 Bill Cosby My Father Confused Me 1977
10 Bill Cosby Let's Make A Deal 1978
11 Bill Cosby Mothers Enunciate 1977
12 Grover Washington, Jr. Outstretched Hands (Gloria) 1985
13 Bill Cosby Illegal Drugs 1978
14 Bill Cosby Train To Memphis 1974
15 Bill Cosby Mothers Will Hit You For Nothing 1977
16 Bill Cosby No One Can Love The Way You Do 1974
17 Bill Cosby Marriage And Duties 1977
18 Grover Washington, Jr. A House Full Of Love 1985
19 Grover Washington, Jr. Camille 1985
20 Bill Cosby It's Strange 1974
21 Bill Cosby The Lizard And The Mouse 1977
22 Grover Washington, Jr. Love In Its Proper Place 1985
23 Bill Cosby Dance Of The Frozen Lion 1974
24 Bill Cosby The Dentist 1977
25 Grover Washington, Jr. Poppin' 1985
26 Bill Cosby Take Your Time 1974
27 Bill Cosby Puberty 1978
28 Bill Cosby A Nasty Birthday 1977
29 Bill Cosby The English Language 1977
30 Grover Washington, Jr. Kitchen Jazz 1985
31 Bill Cosby Chick On The Side 1976
32 Bill Cosby Frisbies 1978
33 Bill Cosby What's in a Slang 1977
34 Bill Cosby UFO 1977
35 Grover Washington, Jr. Clair (Phylicia) 1985
36 Bill Cosby What Ya Think 'Bout Lickin' My Chicken 1977
37 Bill Cosby Shift Down 1976
38 Bill Cosby Famous People 1978
39 Bill Cosby Yes, Yes, Yes 1976
40 Bill Cosby The Glazed Donut Monster 1977
41 Grover Washington, Jr. The Huxtable Kids 1985
42 Bill Cosby Rudy 1977
43 Bill Cosby I Luv Myself Better Than I Luv Myself 1976
44 Bill Cosby Cars 1978
45 Bill Cosby Ben 1976
46 Bill Cosby The FCC And Mothers 1977
47 Bill Cosby Parents And Grandparents 1978
48 Bill Cosby Boogie On Your Face 1977
49 Bill Cosby Do It To Me 1976
50 Bill Cosby Kiss Me 1974
51 Bill Cosby Fathers Are The Funniest People 1977
52 Grover Washington, Jr. Look At This 1985
53 Grover Washington, Jr. Resthaterian 1985
54 Bill Cosby Happy Birthday, Momma 1977
55 Bill Cosby You're Driving Me Crazy 1976
56 Bill Cosby Dedicated To Phyllis 1974
57 Bill Cosby New Husbands Kill Things 1977
58 Bill Cosby Garbage Truck Lady 1976
59 Bill Cosby That's How I Met Your Mother 1977
60 Bill Cosby Put Love In Its Proper Place 1974
61 Bill Cosby Dudes On Dope 1977
62 Bill Cosby Luv Is 1976
63 Bill Cosby 1-2-3 1977
27 Treffer in der Kategorie "KOMPONIST"
1 Grover Washington, Jr. Kitchen Jazz 1985
2 Bill Cosby Chick On The Side 1976
3 Bill Cosby What's in a Slang 1977
4 Grover Washington, Jr. Clair (Phylicia) 1985
5 Bill Cosby Shift Down 1976
6 Bill Cosby Yes, Yes, Yes 1976
7 Grover Washington, Jr. The Huxtable Kids 1985
8 Bill Cosby What Ya Think 'Bout Lickin' My Chicken 1977
9 Bill Cosby I Luv Myself Better Than I Luv Myself 1976
10 Bill Cosby Ben 1976
11 Bill Cosby Rudy 1977
12 Bill Cosby Do It To Me 1976
13 Grover Washington, Jr. Look At This 1985
14 Grover Washington, Jr. Resthaterian 1985
15 Bill Cosby Boogie On Your Face 1977
16 Bill Cosby You're Driving Me Crazy 1976
17 Bill Cosby Happy Birthday, Momma 1977
18 Bill Cosby Garbage Truck Lady 1976
19 Bill Cosby Luv Is 1976
20 Bill Cosby That's How I Met Your Mother 1977
21 Bill Cosby What To Do With Life 1976
22 Bill Cosby Section #9 1977
23 Bill Cosby A Simple Love Affair 1977
24 Grover Washington, Jr. Outstretched Hands (Gloria) 1985
25 Grover Washington, Jr. A House Full Of Love 1985
26 Grover Washington, Jr. Love In Its Proper Place 1985
27 Grover Washington, Jr. Poppin' 1985

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