Offizielle Deutsche Charts Logo


Little Bastard


37 Treffer in der Kategorie "PRODUZENT"
1 John Mellencamp Just Another Day 1996
2 John Cougar Mellencamp Small Town 1985
3 John Cougar Mellencamp Pretty Ballerina 1986
4 John Cougar Mellencamp Justice And Independence 1985
5 John Cougar Mellencamp Minutes To Memories 1985
6 John Cougar Mellencamp Grandma's Theme 1985
7 John Cougar Mellencamp Pink Houses 1983
8 John Mellencamp Jerry 1996
9 John Cougar Mellencamp Crumblin' Down 1983
10 John Mellencamp Emotional Love 1996
11 John Cougar Mellencamp The Kind Of Fella I Am 1985
12 John Mellencamp The Full Catastrophe 1996
13 John Cougar Mellencamp Jackie O 1983
14 John Mellencamp Large World Turning 1996
15 John Cougar Mellencamp Serious Business 1983
16 John Cougar Mellencamp R.O.C.K. In The U.S.A. 1985
17 John Mellencamp Life Is Hard 1996
18 John Cougar Mellencamp Golden Gates 1983
19 John Cougar Mellencamp Lonely Ol' Night 1985
20 John Cougar Mellencamp Rain On The Scarecrow 1985
21 Mitch Ryder Stand 1983
22 John Cougar Mellencamp Rumbleseat 1985
23 John Cougar Mellencamp You've Got To Stand For Somethin' 1985
24 John Cougar Mellencamp The Face Of The Nation 1985
25 John Mellencamp Overture [Mr, Happy Go Lucky] 1996
26 Mitch Ryder When You Were Mine 1983
27 John Mellencamp This May Not Be The End Of The World 1996
28 John Mellencamp Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First) 1996
29 John Mellencamp Mr. Bellows 1996
30 John Cougar Mellencamp Warmer Place To Sleep 1983
31 John Mellencamp Circling Around The Moon 1996
32 John Cougar Mellencamp Play Guitar 1983
33 John Cougar Mellencamp Authority Song 1983
34 John Mellencamp Jackamo Road 1996
35 John Cougar Mellencamp Lovin' Mother Fo Ya 1983
36 John Cougar Mellencamp Under The Boardwalk 1986
37 John Cougar Mellencamp Between A Laugh And A Tear 1985

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