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The Triffids


30 Treffer in der Kategorie "PRODUZENT"
1 The Triffids Love The Fever 1987
2 The Triffids Ballad Of Jack Frost 1984
3 The Triffids Everything You Touch Turns To Time 1987
4 The Triffids Native Bride 1986
5 The Triffids Property Is Condemned 1984
6 The Triffids Convent Walls 1985
7 The Triffids Red Pony 1983
8 The Triffids Good Morning, Good Morning 1988
9 The Triffids My Baby Thinks She's A Train 1983
10 The Triffids Hell Of A Summer 1983
11 The Triffids I Am A Lonesome Hobo 1983
12 The Triffids Nothing Can Take Your Place 1983
13 The Triffids Old Ghostrider 1983
14 The Triffids Embedded 1984
15 The Triffids Baby Can I Walk You Home 1987
16 The Triffids Everybody Has To Eat 1984
17 The Triffids Bad News Always Reminds Me Of You 1987
18 The Triffids Fields Of Glass 1985
19 The Triffids Beautiful Waste 1984
20 The Triffids Dear Miss Lonely Hearts 1986
21 The Triffids You Don't Miss Your Water Till Your Well Runs Dry 1985
22 The Triffids Region Unknown 1987
23 The Triffids Branded 1983
24 The Triffids Raining Pleasure 1984
25 The Triffids Rosevel 1983
26 The Triffids Madeline 1982
27 The Triffids Plaything 1983
28 The Triffids Jesus Calling 1984
29 The Triffids Hanging Shed 1983
30 The Triffids St. James Infirmary 1984

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