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Young Marble Giants

Clicktalk Single

Jahr: 1981


  1. Wind In The Rigging Young Marble Giants
  2. Brand-New-Life Young Marble Giants
  3. Credit In The Straight World Young Marble Giants
  4. Salad Days Young Marble Giants
  5. Wurlitzer Jukebox Young Marble Giants
  6. Choci Loni Young Marble Giants
  7. The Man Amplifier Young Marble Giants
  8. Music For Evenings Young Marble Giants
  9. Colossal Youth Young Marble Giants
  10. N.I.T.A. Young Marble Giants
  11. Constantly Changing Young Marble Giants
  12. Eating Noddemix Young Marble Giants
  13. The Taxi Young Marble Giants
  14. Include Me Out Young Marble Giants
  15. Searching For Mr. Right Young Marble Giants
  16. Sporting Life Young Marble Giants
  17. Zebra Trucks Young Marble Giants
  18. Clicktalk Young Marble Giants
  19. The Clock Young Marble Giants
  20. Posed By Models Young Marble Giants
  21. This Way Young Marble Giants


  1. Colossal Youth Young Marble Giants


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