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The Jazz Band Boys

Eurosong Festival 1977 - Accordeonsound By The Jazzband Boys Album

Jahr: 1977


LP David 1002 ()

  1. A Million In One, Two, Three - The Jazz Band Boys   :
  2. L'oiseau et l'enfant - The Jazz Band Boys   :
  3. Rock Bottom - The Jazz Band Boys   :
  4. Swiss Lady - The Jazz Band Boys   :
  5. Libera - The Jazz Band Boys   :
  6. Don't Go - The Jazz Band Boys   :
  7. The Beatles - The Jazz Band Boys   :
  8. Malle molen - The Jazz Band Boys   :
  9. Mathema solfege - The Jazz Band Boys   :
  10. Lolita - The Jazz Band Boys   :
  11. Tango For Two - The Jazz Band Boys   :
  12. This Is Paris - The Jazz Band Boys   :


  1. This Is Paris The Jazz Band Boys
  2. Tango For Two The Jazz Band Boys
  3. Lolita The Jazz Band Boys
  4. Mathema solfege The Jazz Band Boys
  5. Malle molen The Jazz Band Boys
  6. The Beatles The Jazz Band Boys
  7. Don't Go The Jazz Band Boys
  8. Libera The Jazz Band Boys
  9. Swiss Lady The Jazz Band Boys
  10. Rock Bottom The Jazz Band Boys
  11. L'oiseau et l'enfant The Jazz Band Boys
  12. A Million In One, Two, Three The Jazz Band Boys


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