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Mighty Pope

The Mighty Pope Album

Jahr: 1977


LP RCA Victor KKL1-0257 ()

  1. Rescue Me - Mighty Pope   :
  2. Tower Of Strength - Mighty Pope   :
  3. Whatever Goes Around - Mighty Pope   :
  4. If You Want A Love Affair - Mighty Pope   :
  5. Love On A Disco Floor - Mighty Pope   :
  6. Telephone Lovers - Mighty Pope   :
  7. Many Rivers To Cross - Mighty Pope   :
  8. If That's The Way You Want It - Mighty Pope   :
  9. Heaven On The Seventh Floor - Mighty Pope   :
  10. Can't Get By Without You - Mighty Pope   :


  1. If That's The Way You Want It Mighty Pope
  2. Many Rivers To Cross Mighty Pope
  3. Telephone Lovers Mighty Pope
  4. Love On A Disco Floor Mighty Pope
  5. Whatever Goes Around Mighty Pope
  6. Tower Of Strength Mighty Pope
  7. Rescue Me Mighty Pope
  8. Can't Get By Without You Mighty Pope
  9. New Orleans Mighty Pope
  10. In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida Mighty Pope
  11. Sway Mighty Pope
  12. If You Want A Love Affair Mighty Pope
  13. Heaven On The Seventh Floor Mighty Pope
  14. Sweet Blindness Mighty Pope
  15. Because The Night Mighty Pope


  1. The Mighty Pope Mighty Pope
  2. Sway Mighty Pope


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