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Little Brother Montgomery And His Vicksburgers

Cow Cow Blues Single

Jahr: 1952


10" Shellac Ebony 1000 ()

  1. Cow Cow Blues - Little Brother Montgomery And His Vicksburgers   :
  2. Vicksburg Blues - Little Brother Montgomery And His Vicksburgers   :


  1. Fever Little Brother Montgomery And His Vicksburgers
  2. Vicksburg Blues Little Brother Montgomery And His Vicksburgers
  3. Cow Cow Blues Little Brother Montgomery And His Vicksburgers
  4. Misled Blues Little Brother Montgomery And His Vicksburgers


  1. Willie Anderson's Blues Little Brother Montgomery
  2. Shreveport Blues Little Brother Montgomery
  3. Parrish Street Jive Little Brother Montgomery
  4. Fever Little Brother Montgomery And His Vicksburgers
  5. Vicksburg Blues Little Brother Montgomery And His Vicksburgers
  6. Cow Cow Blues Little Brother Montgomery And His Vicksburgers
  7. Woman That I Love "Little Brother" Montgomery's Quintet feat. Lee Collins
  8. Swingin' With Lee "Little Brother" Montgomery's Quintet feat. Lee Collins
  9. El Ritmo "Little Brother" Montgomery's Quintet feat. Lee Collins
  10. Long Time Ago "Little Brother" Montgomery's Quintet feat. Lee Collins
  11. Misled Blues Little Brother Montgomery And His Vicksburgers
  12. Sorrowful Blues Little Brother [Montgomery]
  13. Leaving Town Blues Little Brother [Montgomery]
  14. Out West Blues Little Brother [Montgomery]
  15. Never Go Wrong Blues Little Brother [Montgomery]
  16. The First Time I Met You Little Brother [Montgomery]
  17. Tantalizing Blues Little Brother [Montgomery]
  18. Shreveport Farewell Little Brother [Montgomery]
  19. Crescent City Blues Little Brother [Montgomery]
  20. Vicksburg Blues–Part 3 Little Brother [Montgomery]
  21. Louisiana Blues–Part 2 Little Brother [Montgomery]
  22. Something Keeps A-Worryin' Me Little Brother [Montgomery]
  23. Chinese Man Blues Little Brother [Montgomery]
  24. Pleading Blues Little Brother Montgomery
  25. The Woman I Love Blues Little Brother Montgomery
  26. Mama You Don't Mean Me No Good Little Brother Montgomery
  27. Vicksburg Blues No. 2 Little Brother Montgomery
  28. Frisco Hi-Ball Blues "E" Montgomery
  29. Louisiana Blues "E" Montgomery
  30. Farish Street Jive Little Brother [Montgomery]
  31. No Special Rider Blues Little Brother Montgomery
  32. Vicksburg Blues Little Brother Montgomery


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