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Billy Jones

Badjie Number 3 Single

Jahr: 1974


  1. Betcha By Golly Wow Oscar Harris, Billy Jones & The Twinkle Stars
  2. Badjie Number 3 Billy Jones
  3. I'll Keep Holding On Billy Jones
  4. Nestle In Your Daddy's Armes Billy Jones and Ernest Hare
  5. I'll Try My Hand Oscar Harris, Billy Jones & The Twinkle Stars
  6. My Baby's Gone Billy Jones & The Stars
  7. I'll Be Around Billy Jones & Solat
  8. Hinky Dinky Parlay Voo Ernest Hare & Billy Jones
  9. Yes! We Have No Bananas Billy Jones
  10. Mr. Gallagher & Mr. Shean Ernest Hare & Billy Jones
  11. In The Little Red School House Ernest Hare & Billy Jones
  12. Down Yonder Ernest Hare & Billy Jones
  13. Down By The O-HI-O Billy Murray & Billy Jones
  14. You're Gonna Miss Me Billy Jones & Solat
  15. Funky Monkey Monkey Billy Jones & The All Stars
  16. All My Brothers Are Clean Billy Jones & The All Stars
  17. Bluez Comes Callin' Billy Jones


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