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Konishi Yasuharu

Konishi Yasuharu Is Pizzicato One - One And Ten Very Sad Songs Album

Jahr: 2011


CD Readymade 00440 0214353 (UMG) / EAN 0044002143532

  1. To Learn To Sleep Alone - Konishi Yasuharu   :
  2. One - Konishi Yasuharu feat. Rosey   :
  3. Imagine - Konishi Yasuharu feat. Marlena Shaw   :
  4. A Little Bit Of Soap - Konishi Yasuharu feat. Nicole Willis   :
  5. I Wanna Be Loved By You - Konishi Yasuharu feat. Wouter Hamel   :
  6. Bang Bang - Konishi Yasuharu feat. Maia Hirasawa   :
  7. A Day In The Life Of A Fool - Konishi Yasuharu feat. Gwyneth Herbert   :
  8. If You Went Away - Konishi Yasuharu feat. Marcos Valle   :
  9. Maybe Tomorrow - Konishi Yasuharu feat. Christopher Smith   :
  10. Suicide Is Painless - Konishi Yasuharu feat. Roger Nichols & The Small Circle Of Friends   :
  11. If We Lived On The Top Of A Mountain - Konishi Yasuharu feat. Eric Matthews   :
  12. A Long Hard Climb - Konishi Yasuharu feat. Roy Phillips   :


  1. A Long Hard Climb Konishi Yasuharu feat. Roy Phillips
  2. If We Lived On The Top Of A Mountain Konishi Yasuharu feat. Eric Matthews
  3. Suicide Is Painless Konishi Yasuharu feat. Roger Nichols & The Small Circle Of Friends
  4. Maybe Tomorrow Konishi Yasuharu feat. Christopher Smith
  5. If You Went Away Konishi Yasuharu feat. Marcos Valle
  6. A Day In The Life Of A Fool Konishi Yasuharu feat. Gwyneth Herbert
  7. Bang Bang Konishi Yasuharu feat. Maia Hirasawa
  8. I Wanna Be Loved By You Konishi Yasuharu feat. Wouter Hamel
  9. A Little Bit Of Soap Konishi Yasuharu feat. Nicole Willis
  10. Imagine Konishi Yasuharu feat. Marlena Shaw
  11. One Konishi Yasuharu feat. Rosey
  12. To Learn To Sleep Alone Konishi Yasuharu


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