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Fabulous Counts

Jan Jan Album

Jahr: 1969


LP Cotillion SD 9011 ()

  1. It's A Man's, Man's, Man's World - Fabulous Counts   :
  2. Simple Song - Fabulous Counts   :
  3. Hey Jude - Fabulous Counts   :
  4. The Bite - Fabulous Counts   :
  5. Soulful Strut - Fabulous Counts   :
  6. Dirty Red - Fabulous Counts   :
  7. Who's Making Love - Fabulous Counts   :
  8. Scrambled Eggs - Fabulous Counts   :
  9. The Other Thing - Fabulous Counts   :
  10. Girl From Kenya - Fabulous Counts   :
  11. Jan Jan - Fabulous Counts   :


  1. Pack Of Lies Fabulous Counts
  2. Rhythm Changes Fabulous Counts
  3. Jan Jan Fabulous Counts
  4. Girl From Kenya Fabulous Counts
  5. The Other Thing Fabulous Counts
  6. Scrambled Eggs Fabulous Counts
  7. Who's Making Love Fabulous Counts
  8. Dirty Red Fabulous Counts
  9. Soulful Strut Fabulous Counts
  10. The Bite Fabulous Counts
  11. Hey Jude Fabulous Counts
  12. Simple Song Fabulous Counts
  13. It's A Man's, Man's, Man's World Fabulous Counts
  14. Get Down People Fabulous Counts
  15. Lunar Funk Fabulous Counts


  1. Jan Jan Fabulous Counts


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