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The Miller Brothers

Miller's Boogie Single

Jahr: 1947


  1. Hey Pretty Baby The Miller Brothers
  2. Stroll Along The Miller Brothers
  3. Bumming Around The Miller Brothers
  4. Send Me The Pillow (You Dream On) The Miller Brothers
  5. Riff Raff The Miller Brothers
  6. Miller's Boogie The Miller Brothers
  7. Shadows On My Memories The Miller Brothers


  1. Hey Pretty Baby The Miller Brothers
  2. Don't Break My Heart The Miller Bros.
  3. Jump Jack Jump The Miller Bros.
  4. Stroll Along The Miller Brothers
  5. Bumming Around The Miller Brothers
  6. Send Me The Pillow (You Dream On) The Miller Brothers
  7. Riff Raff The Miller Brothers
  8. Travelin' The Miller Bros.
  9. I Wanta Big Kiss (From A Little Miss) The Miller Bros.
  10. Ramblin' Round The Miller Bros.
  11. Why Must It Be The Miller Bros. & Their String Band
  12. Loco Choo Choo The Miller Bros. & Their String Band
  13. I Guess You Were Right Tommy Duncan and The Miller Bros.
  14. Hound Dog Tommy Duncan and The Miller Bros.
  15. Who's Gonna Know The Miller Bros. & Their String Band
  16. Hey Pretty Baby The Miller Bros. & Their String Band
  17. Miller's Boogie The Miller Brothers
  18. Shadows On My Memories The Miller Brothers


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