Offizielle Deutsche Charts Logo


Peter McTanner

9 Treffer in der Kategorie "KOMPONIST"
1 Bloody Six Cold Winds Blow 1984
2 Bloody Six Fuck The Nation 1984
3 Bloody Six Rough Stuff 1984
4 Bloody Six Black Eagle 1984
5 Bloody Six Way Of The Hunter 1984
6 Bloody Six Starchaser 1984
7 Bloody Six The End Of The World 1984
8 Bloody Six High-Class'n Wild 1984
9 Bloody Six Let It Burn 1984
9 Treffer in der Kategorie "PRODUZENT"
1 Bloody Six Fuck The Nation 1984
2 Bloody Six Rough Stuff 1984
3 Bloody Six Black Eagle 1984
4 Bloody Six Way Of The Hunter 1984
5 Bloody Six The End Of The World 1984
6 Bloody Six Starchaser 1984
7 Bloody Six High-Class'n Wild 1984
8 Bloody Six Let It Burn 1984
9 Bloody Six Cold Winds Blow 1984

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