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Jim Nesbitt With Guitarist Bill Moore

If You Don't Love Me Single

Jahr: 1964


  1. If You Don't Love Me Jim Nesbitt With Guitarist Bill Moore
  2. Mother-In-Law Jim Nesbitt With Guitarist Bill Moore
  3. Looking For More In '64 Jim Nesbitt With Guitarist Bill Moore
  4. (Go On And) Cry Me A River Jim Nesbitt With Guitarist Bill Moore


  1. If You Don't Love Me Jim Nesbitt With Guitarist Bill Moore
  2. Mother-In-Law Jim Nesbitt With Guitarist Bill Moore
  3. Looking For More In '64 Jim Nesbitt With Guitarist Bill Moore
  4. (Go On And) Cry Me A River Jim Nesbitt With Guitarist Bill Moore
  5. Nice Guys Always Finish Last Jim Nesbitt


  1. Raggin' The Blues William Moore
  2. Old Country Rock William Moore
  3. One Way Gal Bill Moore
  4. Ragtime Crazy Bill Moore
  5. Barbershop Rag Bill Moore
  6. Tillie Lee Bill Moore
  7. If You Don't Love Me Jim Nesbitt With Guitarist Bill Moore
  8. Mother-In-Law Jim Nesbitt With Guitarist Bill Moore
  9. Looking For More In '64 Jim Nesbitt With Guitarist Bill Moore
  10. (Go On And) Cry Me A River Jim Nesbitt With Guitarist Bill Moore


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