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Rasputin's Stash

Rasputin's Stash Album

Jahr: 1971


CD Atlantic 8122-79610-0 (Warner) / EAN 0081227961008


LP Cotillion SD 9046 ()

  1. Your Love Is Certified - Rasputin's Stash   :
  2. I'd Like To Know You Better - Rasputin's Stash   :
  3. What's On Your Mind - Rasputin's Stash   :
  4. Take Me On Back - Rasputin's Stash   :
  5. Mr. Cool - Rasputin's Stash   :
  6. You Better Think - Rasputin's Stash   :
  7. Freaks Prayer - Rasputin's Stash   :
  8. Prelude - Rasputin's Stash   :
  9. Dookey Shoe - Rasputin's Stash   :
  10. You Are My Flower - Rasputin's Stash   :
  11. I Want To Say You're Welcome - Rasputin's Stash   :
  12. Epilogue - Rasputin's Stash   :


  1. I Want To Say You're Welcome Rasputin's Stash
  2. You Are My Flower Rasputin's Stash
  3. Dookey Shoe Rasputin's Stash
  4. Freaks Prayer Rasputin's Stash
  5. You Better Think Rasputin's Stash
  6. Mr. Cool Rasputin's Stash
  7. Take Me On Back Rasputin's Stash
  8. What's On Your Mind Rasputin's Stash
  9. I'd Like To Know You Better Rasputin's Stash
  10. Your Love Is Certified Rasputin's Stash


  1. Rasputin's Stash Rasputin's Stash


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