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The Dolphin Brothers

Catch The Fall Album

Jahr: 1987


CD Virgin CDV2434 ()

  1. Catch The Fall - The Dolphin Brothers   :
  2. Shining - The Dolphin Brothers   :
  3. Second Sight - The Dolphin Brothers   :
  4. Love That You Need - The Dolphin Brothers   :
  5. Real Life, Real Answers - The Dolphin Brothers   :
  6. Host To The Holy - The Dolphin Brothers   :
  7. My Winter - The Dolphin Brothers   :
  8. Pushing The River - The Dolphin Brothers   :


  1. Face To Face The Dolphin Brothers
  2. Pushing The River The Dolphin Brothers
  3. Host To The Holy The Dolphin Brothers
  4. Real Life, Real Answers The Dolphin Brothers
  5. Love That You Need The Dolphin Brothers
  6. Shining The Dolphin Brothers
  7. My Winter The Dolphin Brothers
  8. Second Sight The Dolphin Brothers
  9. Catch The Fall The Dolphin Brothers


  1. Catch The Fall The Dolphin Brothers


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