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Michael Prophet

Serious Reasoning Album

Jahr: 1980


Back To Black LP Island 5351626 (UMG) / EAN 0600753516263

  1. Fight To The Top - Michael Prophet   :
  2. Hear I Prayer - Michael Prophet   :
  3. Turn Me Loose - Michael Prophet   :
  4. The Gates Of Zion - Michael Prophet   :
  5. Praise You Jah Jah - Michael Prophet   :
  6. Love And Unity - Michael Prophet   :
  7. Warn Them - Michael Prophet   :
  8. Conscious Man - Michael Prophet   :
  9. Give Thanks - Michael Prophet   :
  10. Serious Reasoning - Michael Prophet   :


  1. Hold On To What You Got Michael Prophet
  2. Serious Reasoning Michael Prophet
  3. Give Thanks Michael Prophet
  4. Conscious Man Michael Prophet
  5. Warn Them Michael Prophet
  6. Love And Unity Michael Prophet
  7. Praise You Jah Jah Michael Prophet
  8. The Gates Of Zion Michael Prophet
  9. Turn Me Loose Michael Prophet
  10. Hear I Prayer Michael Prophet
  11. Fight To The Top Michael Prophet
  12. You Are A No Good Michael Prophet
  13. Reggae Music All Night Michael Prophet


  1. Gunman Michael Prophet
  2. Serious Reasoning Michael Prophet
  3. Righteous Are The Conqueror Michael Prophet


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