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Underground Resistance

Sweat Electric Single

Jahr: k.A.


12" Maxi Somewhere In Detroit S.I.D.-001 ()

  1. Sweat Electric - Underground Resistance   :
  2. Sweat Electric - Underground Resistance   :


  1. Scalper Underground Resistance
  2. Gamma-Ray Underground Resistance
  3. Orbit Underground Resistance
  4. In Or Out? Underground Resistance
  5. 4 Down Underground Resistance
  6. Detonate Underground Resistance
  7. Kill My Radio Station Underground Resistance
  8. Technology Gap Underground Resistance
  9. Replaced By Robots Underground Resistance
  10. Bastille Day Underground Resistance
  11. I Am UR Underground Resistance
  12. Code Of Honor Underground Resistance
  13. Killer Whale Underground Resistance
  14. Beauty Of Decay Underground Resistance
  15. The Theory Underground Resistance
  16. Sometimes I Feel Like Underground Resistance
  17. Eye Of The Storm Underground Resistance
  18. Sonic Destroyer Underground Resistance
  19. Quadrasonic Underground Resistance
  20. Predator Underground Resistance
  21. Adrenalin Underground Resistance
  22. Elimination Underground Resistance
  23. Punisher Underground Resistance
  24. Riot Underground Resistance
  25. Shadow The Probe Underground Resistance
  26. Sweat Electric Underground Resistance


  1. Message To The Majors (EP) Underground Resistance
  2. Codebreaker (EP) Underground Resistance
  3. Death Star (EP) Underground Resistance
  4. World 2 World (EP) Underground Resistance
  5. The Punisher (EP) Underground Resistance
  6. The Final Frontier (EP) Underground Resistance
  7. Sonic (EP) Underground Resistance
  8. Interstellar Fugitives Underground Resistance
  9. Revolution For Change Underground Resistance


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