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Songs: Ohia

Nervous Bride Single

Jahr: k.A.


  1. Translation Songs: Ohia
  2. Incantation Songs: Ohia
  3. Not Just A Ghost's Heart Songs: Ohia
  4. The Ocean's Nerves Songs: Ohia
  5. Ghost Tropic Songs: Ohia
  6. No Limits On The Words Songs: Ohia
  7. The Body Burned Away Songs: Ohia
  8. Lightning Risked It All Songs: Ohia
  9. Hold On Magnolia Songs: Ohia
  10. John Henry Split My Heart Songs: Ohia
  11. Peoria Lunch Box Blues Songs: Ohia
  12. The Old Black Hen Songs: Ohia
  13. Almost Was Good Enough Songs: Ohia
  14. I've Been Riding With The Ghost Songs: Ohia
  15. Farewell Transmission Songs: Ohia
  16. Blue Chicago Moon Songs: Ohia
  17. Two Blue Lights Songs: Ohia
  18. Blue Factory Flame Songs: Ohia
  19. Cross The Road, Molina Songs: Ohia
  20. Ring The Bell Songs: Ohia
  21. Steve Albini's Blues Songs: Ohia
  22. Didn't It Rain Songs: Ohia
  23. Just Be Simple Songs: Ohia
  24. Just A Spark Songs: Ohia
  25. Baby Take A Look Songs: Ohia
  26. Back On Top Songs: Ohia
  27. Coxcomb Red Songs: Ohia
  28. Lioness Songs: Ohia
  29. Being In Love Songs: Ohia
  30. Nervous Bride Songs: Ohia
  31. Tigress Songs: Ohia
  32. The Black Crow Songs: Ohia


  1. Love & Work - The Lioness Sessions Songs: Ohia
  2. Travels In Constants Songs: Ohia
  3. Ghost Tropic Songs: Ohia
  4. The Magnolia Electric Co. Songs: Ohia
  5. Didn't It Rain Songs: Ohia
  6. The Lioness Songs: Ohia


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